Microspectroscopy analysis of laminates
Both Fourier transform Infrared (FTIR), and Raman spectroscopy can be used to identify and distinguish among a wide range of different polymeric materials. When these techniques are coupled with a microscope, they are uniquely suited for analyzing multilayer films such as food packaging and other laminated materials. In this application…
You still have time – inspire the next generation of scientists through the webinar
NanoDrop Innovations and the Classroom Inspiring the next generation of scientists Tuesday, May 10, 2022 16:00 BST | 17:00 CEST | 11:00 EDT | 08:00 PDT | 10:00 CDT Access to the latest technology can make a world of difference in education today. Join us to hear how schoolteachers are…
Extract the full potential of your trace elemental analysis
Webinars on April 4 and 5, 2022 | 10:00 BST | 11:00 CEST Join this educational webinar series and learn how to optimize your daily routines for your trace elemental analysis with ICP-OES and ICP-MS. Our experts will demonstrate best practice for sample prep, hardware and software operations, maintenance and…
Introduction to ICP spectrometry: Educational webinars and virtual demos
Introduction to ICP spectrometry: Part 1 In this first part of our two-part educational webinar, we will take you through the main considerations of sample prep and sample introduction techniques. We will also discuss plasma effect and instrumentation maintenance. Learn theoretical and practical fundamentals for daily operation with ICP-OES and…
Il vedeti repede. Il identificați mai repede. Noul Microscop IR
Il vedeti repede. Il identificați mai repede. Noul Microscop IR Microscopul Nicolet RaptIR vine cu un software puternic care permite utilizatorilor să navigheze rapid și să dea sens probelor complexe. Împreună cu spectrometrul FTIR Thermo Scientific™ Nicolet™ iS50, sistemul poate obține date pentru probe organice și anorganice, cum ar fi…
mRNA vaccine production: ensure quality control with the NanoDrop Spectrophotometers
Check out the application note for more infos
Webinar February 1: Advancements in IR Microscopy from powders to paint chips
Join us for: From powders to paint chips – modern microspectroscopy draws big information from tiny samples Tuesday, February 1, 2022 / 10 a.m. EST / 4 p.m. CET From analyzing particulates, fibers, inks, contaminated surfaces, and more—microspectroscopy is a workhorse technique for a myriad of industries, including environmental, automotive,…
Webinar NOU: Identificarea agregării proteinelor prin spectroscopie UV-Visible
Identificarea agregării proteinelor prin spectroscopie UV-Visible: Utilizarea tehnicilor de absorbție și reflexie difuză Miercuri, 26 ianuarie, 18:00 Agregatele de proteine se pot forma ireversibil în soluție printr-un număr de procese și sunt comune în probele instabile. Concentrația mai scăzută rezultată de materiale neagregate poate avea un impact negativ asupra aplicațiilor…