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Thermo Fisher Scientific July Materials Science Research Newsletter

În iulie 22, 2022, de , In Newsletter,Noutati

Ultra-fast analysis of inclusions in steel production samples The monitoring and management of inclusions are central to the steelmaking process and vital for organizations to ensure the appropriate quality and properties of steel products while minimizing cost. In this interview, Jean-Marc Böhlen explains some of the underlying principles of ultra-fast…

Spectroscopy Special Edition Newsletter

În iulie 12, 2022, de , In Newsletter,Noutati

Jumpstart your materials research with the right tools To advance your research, you need the highest-quality images and analysis tools. In this issue, we introduce you to a new FTIR microscope that collects and analyzes high-spatial resolution data with agility and acuity. We discuss advanced techniques for developing and testing…

Get started with your results-driven 2022

În ianuarie 13, 2022, de , In Newsletter,Noutati

Happy New Year! We wish you and your loved ones a happy, healthy, and productive 2022. To help align your research goals, we have summed up all the exciting product news of 2021 for you. Here is what we have done to help you profilirate your research ideas: 2021 product…

Inspect more strip. Eliminate defects. Optimize quality.

În ianuarie 20, 2021, de , In Newsletter,Noutati

Strip quality begins in the hot mill, and rolling mills need reliable, repeatable process control data to optimize product quality, ensure uniformity and increase output. The Thermo Scientific™ SIPRO Simultaneous Profile Gauge provides high-speed, accurate dimensional measurements throughout the entire length of your product and inspects more strip than any other gauge…

Materials Science December ’20 eNewsletter

În decembrie 9, 2020, de , In Newsletter,Noutati

Happy New Year 2021 As 2020 comes to a close, we pause to reflect on the global challenges we all faced together and rose to overcome together. We now look forward to 2021, in which we are excited to continue delivering to you the most innovative new developments in spectroscopy…

Educational opportunities at the European Winter Plasma Conference

În ianuarie 23, 2019, de , In Newsletter

Connect with us at 18th European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry (EWCPS) Feb 3-8 | Pau, France Learn how our latest products, services and solutions give you more confidence in your results and provide greater productivity. Don’t miss our free lunch seminar, short course, and the opportunity to visit our booth to…

How to eradicate inclusion problems in steel

În ianuarie 10, 2019, de , In Newsletter

Inclusion analysis with unparalleled speed Non-metallic micro-inclusions often have a negative impact on steel properties and the smooth running of the production process. The presence of inclusions increases the cost due to the resultant de-classification of steel, process interruptions or scrapping. Effective and timely management of critical inclusions offers significant…

Your Essential DNA/RNA Sample Analysis Toolkit

În decembrie 9, 2018, de , In Newsletter

Latest Resources for DNA/RNA Sample Analysis Discover a new approach for nucleic acid quantification and how you can accurately detect protein contaminants in samples. Webinar: A new approach for DNA/RNA sample assessment using the Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop One™ “Award Winner – Top Performer 2018” App note: Detection of Protein in Nucleic Acid Samples FAQs: NanoDrop One Sample…

IMPORTANT: GENESYS Software Update Alert

În septembrie 29, 2018, de , In Newsletter

A software update for the new Thermo Scientific™ GENESYS™ and BioMate™ 160 UV-Vis spectrophotometers is now available. Software Announcement! GENESYS Software v1.2 is now available. You can download for FREE by visiting the GENESYS Software Download Center. Enjoy new enhancements designed to improve productivity and results: Multi-Wavelength application allows automatic measurement of…