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New Elemental and Structural Analysis Academy

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New Elemental and Structural Analysis Academy

On May 25, 2020, Posted by , In Noutati, By ,,, , With Comments Off on New Elemental and Structural Analysis Academy

Looking to learn more about the analysis of polymers and plastics using X-ray excitation? Our Elemental and Structural Analysis Academy is a useful resource on the key elemental and structural analysis techniques including X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). We provide great background information about the operating principles alongside advanced tutorials discussing how these techniques apply to specific applications.

Understanding the elemental composition and structure of your materials throughout your workflow helps you manage new challenges. We offer the products, services and technologies to help you understand your materials and application.

With a useful selection of products based on tried-and-tested analytical technologies, we provide you with the information you need to make choices between stand-alone, benchtop, portable and automated solutions. Improve your process efficiency and productivity while never compromising the results.

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