Webinar: Identificarea materialelor criminalistice prin spectroscopie Raman

În aprilie 7, 2023, de , In Webinarii

Wed, Apr 12, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM GMT+2 În această demonstrație live, veți învăța cum să utilizați noul spectrometru Raman Thermo Scientific DXR3 Flex Raman Spectrometru pentru a analiza materiale criminalistice comune, precum și cum să colectați date spectrale pentru identificarea și diferențierea materialelor. De asemenea, veți afla la…

Spectroscopy Special Edition Newsletter

În iulie 12, 2022, de , In Newsletter,Noutati

Jumpstart your materials research with the right tools To advance your research, you need the highest-quality images and analysis tools. In this issue, we introduce you to a new FTIR microscope that collects and analyzes high-spatial resolution data with agility and acuity. We discuss advanced techniques for developing and testing…

Microspectroscopy analysis of laminates

În mai 6, 2022, de , In Noutati

Both Fourier transform Infrared (FTIR), and Raman spectroscopy can be used to identify and distinguish among a wide range of different polymeric materials. When these techniques are coupled with a microscope, they are uniquely suited for analyzing multilayer films such as food packaging and other laminated materials. In this application…

Confidently secure your laboratory data and its integrity

În mai 28, 2021, de , In Noutati,Webinarii

Pharma compliance with XRD Confidently secure your laboratory data and its integrity using Thermo Scientific™ SolstiX™ XRD Software with Security Suite. This security package is available with our complete Thermo Scientific™ ARL™ EQUINOX X-ray diffractometer range and enables 21 CFR Part 11 compatibility. Master your compliance with digital signatures and…

Fast travel to definitive surface analysis

În mai 4, 2021, de , In Noutati

Discover the new generation of the Nexsa XPS System We are thrilled to present to you the new generation of the Thermo Scientific™ Nexsa™ Surface Analysis System. Over the past four years, we have been working hard to make sure you have all you need for definitive surface analysis, all…

Webinar series: solutions to accelerate drug development

În martie 29, 2021, de , In Webinarii

Pharmaceutical Analysis Webinars with Spectroscopy, Extrusion, and XRD View this series of 5 on-demand webinars for ideas, tips and solutions to address the rigorous challenges faced by pharmaceutical companies. The goal is to help you more quickly and efficiently develop successful medicines from R&D to QC and production. The applications…

Pharma Webinar: Lean Manufacturing Process w/ Raman – March 29 Select Science

În martie 3, 2021, de , In Webinarii

Overview: Live webinar with Select Science When: Mon, March 29, 2021. Topic: Lean manufacturing practices with Raman spectroscopy for biopharmaceutical production   Key learning objectives: How to conduct raw materials testing and final product identification testing with Raman spectroscopy Learn about real-world examples of implementation of Raman spectroscopy for Final Product…

Introducing a new web resource for polymer analysis: Structural Analysis of Polymers

În aprilie 14, 2020, de , In Noutati

Polymer materials have almost unlimited use in the world of consumer products and industries. Being able to identify their structures in experimentation, and monitor production and lifespan is an essential discipline in material science and manufacturing. We offer several spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques for polymer characterization such as infrared, Raman,…