Online UV-Vis Selection Guide
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Online Comparison Guide Choices made clear Decisions, decisions. Looking to purchase or replace your UV-Vis spectrophotometer? With so many choices, selecting the right instrument to meet your specific lab requirements may feel like a daunting task. Simplify the process by using our online comparison guide. Thermo Scientific™ UV-Vis/Vis spectrophotometers…
Webinar NOU: Identificarea agregării proteinelor prin spectroscopie UV-Visible
Identificarea agregării proteinelor prin spectroscopie UV-Visible: Utilizarea tehnicilor de absorbție și reflexie difuză Miercuri, 26 ianuarie, 18:00 Agregatele de proteine se pot forma ireversibil în soluție printr-un număr de procese și sunt comune în probele instabile. Concentrația mai scăzută rezultată de materiale neagregate poate avea un impact negativ asupra aplicațiilor…
Register today for live NanoDrop Q&A
Act now to ask questions of our NanoDrop experts Get all of your Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™ Microvolume UV-Vis Spectrometer questions answered with our live panel of technical and applications experts. Submit your questions beforehand or ask them during our live Q&A session of the webinar. Questions accepted through Friday, March…
NanoDrop transforms your research with new UV-Vis technology
NanoDrop relieves DNA/RNA contamination headaches Learn how the NanoDrop One UV-Vis Spectrophotometer is bringing specificity to UV-Vis measurements Learn more about the new nucleic acid contamination detection software upgrade available for the Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™ One UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. and how this It can transform your research by providing confidence in…