Differentiate DNA/RNA during UV-Vis analysis of nucleic acid samples
Webinar video explains RNA/DNA differentiation with new NanoDrop UV-Vis algorithms This brief, on-demand webinar video reviews how Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™ UV-Vis spectrophotometers use absorbance to detect DNA/RNA contamination in nucleic acid samples. New software algorithms provide the ability to differentiate RNA and DNA and supply corrected concentrations. Ensuring sample purity…
Webinar series: solutions to accelerate drug development
Pharmaceutical Analysis Webinars with Spectroscopy, Extrusion, and XRD View this series of 5 on-demand webinars for ideas, tips and solutions to address the rigorous challenges faced by pharmaceutical companies. The goal is to help you more quickly and efficiently develop successful medicines from R&D to QC and production. The applications…
Successful protein research: Download application compendium
To support your proteins research, Thermo Fisher Scientific is pleased to offer the new Protein Quantification and Qualification e-book Download the compendium of useful technical documents, application notes, and protocols for measuring proteins using the Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™ One/OneC Microvolume UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. Whether you are testing protein samples as part of…