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[Live Webcast] Discover the Easy Way to Develop an ICP-OES Method

În iunie 11, 2021, de , In Webinarii

Live Webcast Tuesday, June 29, 2021 at 11am EDT | 8am PDT | 4pm BST | 5pm CEST REGISTER NOW Event Overview Analysis of samples by ICP–OES for trace elements has the potential to be complex, because both physical and spectral interferences can call into the question any results that…

Pharma Webinar | Live July 14th Highlighting Quality Assurance from Auditor’s Viewpoint

În iunie 9, 2021, de , In Webinarii

Guest experts: Gael Love, Director/QA Consultant, Love CQA Ltd John Parker, Director/Principal Consultant, ClinPark QA Ltd Shailesh Karavadra, Applications Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific Tactic:  Live webinar with EPR When: Wednesday, July 23, 2021, at 9:00am CDT Topic: Improving quality of bacterial culture and oligonucleotides with UV/Vis spectroscopy to accelerate mRNA…

Confidently secure your laboratory data and its integrity

În mai 28, 2021, de , In Noutati,Webinarii

Pharma compliance with XRD Confidently secure your laboratory data and its integrity using Thermo Scientific™ SolstiX™ XRD Software with Security Suite. This security package is available with our complete Thermo Scientific™ ARL™ EQUINOX X-ray diffractometer range and enables 21 CFR Part 11 compatibility. Master your compliance with digital signatures and…

Spectroscopy Week: Virtual Users Meeting

În mai 14, 2021, de , In Webinarii

Join Spectroscopy Week:  Virtual Users Meeting  Research, production and analytical laboratories worldwide rely on spectroscopy and other characterization tools for the rapid development of new innovative materials and the efficient qualitative and quantitative analysis of those materials.  This is evident in areas such as forensics, polymers, food & beverage and…

June Pharma Webinar – Predicting the crystalline nature of APIs with a novel in-line X-ray technique: InsituX

În mai 14, 2021, de , In Webinarii

When: Wednesday, June 9, at 16:00 BST / 15:00 CEST / 11:00 EDT / 08:00 PDT Topic: Predicting the crystalline nature of APIs with a novel in-line X-ray technique: InsituX Overview: In this webinar, Prof. Gérard Coquerel, head of the Separative Sciences and Methods Laboratory at the University of Rouen Normandy,…

Science for Sustainability Symposia

În aprilie 26, 2021, de , In Webinarii

The sustainable use of raw materials in a way that conserves resources and protects the climate has been of central importance to the environment, the economy and society for many years. Our use of plastics for instance in everyday items and manufacturing processes has resulted in a deluge of slowly…

Streamline your elemental analysis workflow with software tools

În aprilie 21, 2021, de , In Webinarii

April 27, 2021, 3:00 p.m. BST I 4:00 p.m. CEST I 10:00 a.m EDT I 7:00 a.m. PDT The analysis of elemental contaminants and impurities, especially toxic metals, is typically done in the inorganic analysis laboratory, operating inductively coupled plasma-optical emission (ICP-OES) or mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) instruments. Although sample preparation…

Register now for the featured On-Demand Webcasts from Spectroscopy

În aprilie 19, 2021, de , In Webinarii

Perform Like a Pro: Fast ICP-OES Analysis with the Latest Advances This webcast will focus on the most recent advances in ICP-OES that address these challenges and ensure that they are no longer barriers to your elemental analysis. VIEW WEBCAST     Learn How Routine Laboratories Can Benefit from Triple…

Patheon Experience: Overcoming Challenges to Ensure Data Integrity and Standardization

În aprilie 14, 2021, de , In Webinarii

When:  Tues, April 20, 2021 Key learning objectives: Learn how to navigate challenges encountered when meeting Data Integrity guidelines Understand compliance risks associated with electronic and paper data (ALCOA+) Hear how the right choice of FTIR instrument can enable data integrity Learn about the evolution of Mass Spectrometry in Pharma QC…

You’re invited to our Global Microplastics Symposium

În aprilie 14, 2021, de , In Webinarii

You’re invited to our Global Microplastics Symposium Insights to advance your research Over 1300 of your peers conducting environmental analysis are registered for the Science for Sustainability Symposia, a free series of virtual events offering five days dedicated to environmental analysis. You will walk away with valuable information that drives innovation…